2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


Thank God its Friday!!! Its a good day, I survived a conversation with my mechanic, its definitely a good day... nah, make it a great day! I'm pretty shocked everytime i hear the numbers but its getting better each time, maybe its more bearable today... being Friday and all.

I just spoke to someone i havent spoken to in ages, it felt good, the prospect of reunification, the feeling of making a new friend again, brings a huge smile on my face. Theres some kinda party going on downstairs, i think i;m suppose to attend but these work functions get sooo boring, and I'm feeling super fat after all the food Mabel has been feeding me the past week.

I really want to watch the Movie " The Passion", heard so much about it. I'm kinda scared to watch it actually, dunno what kinda reaction i will get. Thinking of catching it this weekend but dunno who to watch it with... its like an episode of "Days of our Lives" in Melbourne.... friendships are soo messed up and everything is so political. I think i should watch it myself, save alot of hassle.

In the coming month(s), I will be devoting some blog space for updates on the Ms Singapore Universe Contest 2004. Yes, I know... first thought that comes to mind is BIMBO! Well at least thats what i thought. But i hate to judge, i know there are beautiful girls out there with an intellect to match, i just wanna see them win...i have a special friend taking part this year, and hence my sudden interest in the outcome. According to some, "its not easy swinging your arms and hips while not walking like a man"... errr, okie, its not easy being beautiful is it? To the 36 contestants in the competition now, ALL THE BEST, according to my sources, 36 will become 30 as of Monday, and subsequently the semi-finals will eliminate another 10 more. Stay tuned....


"She Bangs she bangs".... Who needs Guy Sebastian when you got William Hung, aye? Overnight sensation, an American idol loser, but has won over the hearts of fans all over the world. And it wasn't cos of his singing, or the way he moves his scrawny bod. And we all know he hasn't had any "professional training"... "she bangs she bangs"..... so what sets William apart from all the other contestants with equally comical performances?
SINCERITY... he was sincere, pure of heart, and did his best without any expections of walking away with anything more than a "Thank you for trying". Though his dance moves were pretty groovy, the audience could see through his act and fell in love with William Hung the person. I guess we were drawn to his naivety, he's the kinda person we all love to cheer for, but in the back of our minds we know he will never win. William's the Mr. Nice Guy, who makes us laugh at his expense, the Ricky Martin of Hong Kong? I doubt so, but I reckon the world would be a better place if we had more William Hungs around. People with sincere hearts that we can laugh with/at, that make us feel better when we're feeling down. People that reach out and give without expectations or reservations.

Thanks William Hung, and to the William Hungs of my life, Thank you........ YOU GUYS ROCK! "she bangs she bangs"


People always say, "Life is an unpredictable journey, you have your UPS, and your DOWNS"... I beg to differ, I think its VERY predictable. In fact life has yet to let me down in this area, cos i know whenever i have my UPS, the DOWN isn't far behind. I guess the higher you go, the further down you fall afterwards. So what is the point of going up in the first place.... when it all gonna crash-F%@K-burn.....


Its Monday, and I have a serious case of Monday morning blues... not in a moody way, just in a sleepy, lethargic Monday morning kinda way. It was a good weekend, not particularly eventful, but a good weekend. I happen to know that it was a good weekend for Gwen too, calling me on Saturday night to share how "Happy" she was and showing off her infectious laughter. Every-so-often you get that really SPECIAL conversation with Gwen, where she lets out something you know you should write down straight away on the nearest energizer pack *grinz*. I was privileged to have the chance on Sat when Gwen blurted one of those " when i get on top of guys....." lines again.

Excerpts of conversation between lem & gwen, 21/02/04 (YES time):

gwen: he didn't put his seed in me.
lem: huh? what the!!! he PUT his seed in you?
gwen: NO!! he didnt put anything in me, he didnt do anything to me! (in an angry disappointed voice)

Classic!! Its moments like these that make my life worth living for.. thanks GWEN :)

Excerpts of conversation between lem & gwen (part 2), 21/02/04 (sometime later in YES time):

lem: then Lid leh??
gwen: aiyah, Lid cannot be trusted one lah!!!

Enough said....

Its gonna be a long night tonite, Monday, TV heaven... but before my TV marathon i still have to squeeze in a session at the gym, cook and have dinner with Howard, at the same time sneak some food from Mabel.... I'm sure i'll get sick of being the middle man, but for now i'm fine (enjoying the spoils of home-cooked food). Series of recent events have made me think alot about life, love and its consequences. Seems like the "hot" topic now, everyone around me is either falling in, out or lost in LOVE..... or maybe i shouldn't use the word LOVE, its possibly too strong a word, do we even know what it is, how many of us have really experienced true love? Maybe its not all its made out to be, maybe Meg Ryan has been decieving us all these years, maybe its REALLY simple, afterall, its a natural instinct aint it? So why do we humans tend to complicate everything...... put us all back in a garden, take away our clothes, and maybe, the world will be a much better place.