2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


2 birthdays, 4 assignments, 1 white hair.

Looking at the clock, it reads 4:03 ("am" that is), and I've finally finished my first draft for my Accounting theory assignment. I'm glad most of it is out of the way, 1 almost down, and 3 to go. *woohoo*

Due to a family emergency, my manager at work had to go back to China for 3 weeks, and me, being the nice person that I am, volunteered to do his weekend for him. Not only am I doing this weekend for him, I chose the worst weekend possible. Theres ALOT of work to complete, I don't know how long I'll be stuck in the lab... definitely not looking forward to it.

On a positive note, I have David's birthday bash to look forward to tomorrow, then theres Eunice's birthday party/chill-out/drinks-thingiemigig on Monday. Its nice to look forward to something besides pay day and public holidays.

*Mental note to self- NICE SHOES.

My folks are heading to Korea tomorrow for another one of their "getaways". I've decided that when i make the Forbe's rich list, the first thing I'll get is a private jet for mum and dad, so they can fly anywhere, anytime. On the side will read: "CAUTION: Grumpy old man aboard, approach at own risk".

Have a great weekend people.


Call me Ben..

So tired at the moment, just got back from uni and work was crazy. Didn't help that today was probably one of THE hottest spring days I've experienced; who needs SEXY anyway, get J.T. to bring WINTER back!!

Got a copy of the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors handbook/ manual from my snowboard instructor friend. Was just browsing through it on the tram and come to a realisation that Canadians are weird (no reference to any Canadian neighbours).

There are some pretty good instructions in there, lots of technical literature worth reading, BUT.... I find myself reading a section halfway, and guess what; the rest is in French.


I think a shower might wake me up.... or maybe not. *ZZZzzzzz*


Yet another week gone by.

Just spent the whole day doing my part for the Auditing assignment; I'm hungry and tired. The sleep will have to wait, still got some readings to do, but thankfully theres Nasi Lemak and great company waiting for me next door (not to mention an hour of IDOL).

Went to the United concert on friday, wouldn't really qualify it as a concert, more like sermon with extended periods of praise and worship. As predicted, the girls were screaming, crowd was going crazy and everyone was singing their lungs out. Half the seats in church were removed to accomodate a makeshift mosh pit, which meant we had to sit (more standing really) at the far back.

The night had a good mix of everything- great music, inspiring sermon, salvations, marriage proposals and a whole lot of little people jumping their brains out!

Picked up my board on Saturday, was so surprised when they only charged me $30 !! I was told it was minimum of $55, an on the receipt it said RRP:$70... dunno why they gave me a discount. Speculations of the oh-so-good-looking-surfer-type sales assistant being GAY were eventually dismissed. I'm just glad i came out a winner. Couldn't find my Anon goggles though, and I found out they didn't bring in Bonfire jackets this season. I'm seriously contemplating whether I need all that new gear, maybe I should just save it up for something more useful... like alcohol :)

Popped by Eunice's stall at Melbourne Central before church. The cart was looking good, the temp sales assistant was hot! *wink* The journals are aesthetically pleasing, though I've yet to decide on a practical use for such an item. I'll comment more if and when I get one for myself.

Sermon was rather insightful, this indian fella from Singapore came to speak on the area of apologetics. He reminds me of my Accounting Theory lecturer... 'cept he's a much lighter shade of brown. Rounded off the night with dinner at a dodgy chinese place and drinks at Giorgios.

4 hours of "sharing", 2 bottles of wine and a sticky date pudding later, I was ready for bed. Thanks for the great company.