2 birthdays, 4 assignments, 1 white hair.
Looking at the clock, it reads 4:03 ("am" that is), and I've finally finished my first draft for my Accounting theory assignment. I'm glad most of it is out of the way, 1 almost down, and 3 to go. *woohoo*
Due to a family emergency, my manager at work had to go back to China for 3 weeks, and me, being the nice person that I am, volunteered to do his weekend for him. Not only am I doing this weekend for him, I chose the worst weekend possible. Theres ALOT of work to complete, I don't know how long I'll be stuck in the lab... definitely not looking forward to it.
On a positive note, I have David's birthday bash to look forward to tomorrow, then theres Eunice's birthday party/chill-out/drinks-thingiemigig on Monday. Its nice to look forward to something besides pay day and public holidays.
*Mental note to self- NICE SHOES.
My folks are heading to Korea tomorrow for another one of their "getaways". I've decided that when i make the Forbe's rich list, the first thing I'll get is a private jet for mum and dad, so they can fly anywhere, anytime. On the side will read: "CAUTION: Grumpy old man aboard, approach at own risk".
Have a great weekend people.