The return of the corn beef!!! Last night, Lid and I bravely attempted to open the corn beef can (without the use of a conventional can-opener), not learning from our past (failed) experience. We both knew that the funny key-looking object stuck to the top of the can was needed, we both knew it had to go into something which would then allow us to turn the key and eventually open the can.... we knew all this, vaguely.
Apparently, what we knew wasn't enough. I wrestled with that can for bloody 15 minutes, using all my strength and any tools I could find around the house (ie cleaver AKA chopper). After making several holes in the top of the can, I realised this wasn't working. But being in the science field, I couldn't fathom why they would design the can in that way, there must have been a simpler way! But my hunger got the better of me, and we decided to resort to our conventional (not-so-reliable) can-opener. This turned out to be another strenuous task. See, to use our can-opener, you really need two people. One to hold the can, and one to turn the can-opener, Opening a round can is hard enough, imagine opening a rectangular can... *grrr*... not happy!
10 minutes later, the can was opened (partially). I took the can from Lid and noticed something under the paper label wrapped around the outside of the can..... AH HA! There is was, I found it, thats where the key goes in.. werhooo! I share my joy with Lid, and she replies with, "actually I saw that but wasn't sure if that was it *sheepish grin*". BASKET LAH!! As Gwen always says, "breath lem, breathe".
I was glad I found the solution, and without hesitation, proceeded to test out this new found key contraption. Problem was, since i had already opened it from the top (with conventional can-opener), it was impossible to open it AGAIN from the side, as I found out shortly after. They say a picture paints a thousand words (or is that from a song?), so heres one for good measure. So next time you see corn beef in your supermarket aisle, BEWARE, you have been warned!