Caught the new series "HOUSE" last night for the first time... absolutely brilliant!! One of the best shows to come out in the past 2-3 years. Dr House is no Larry David, but he has his own sick sense of humour that grows on you.
Been sleeping really well recently but I've found that I havent been geeting enough!! I'm always having problems with sleep, its either the quantity or quality, I think my body's biological clock is out of whack....
My new phone's working great, really getting use to it *winkz*, but only recently I realised I made a whole through my mouth guard.. not that that has anything to do with my new phone, thought I'd throw that in for good measure, maybe for a chuckle or two.....
this is getting no where... oh, got a sms from Mil yesterday, might meet up today if I have time after my hair cut... I'm kinda nervous bout that, we'll see how it goes and hopefully I'll think of some brilliant style by this evening...