2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


No matter how hard i try
every day of my life i just can't change the way i feel
i wanna make you my world, how can i show you girl that my love is truly real

all i think about is you, there is nothing else i'd rather do
if you'll give me just one chance, i'll show you love and romance
and forever we will live, theres no end to the love i can give
and i know you're the one for me

now love grows stronger each day, i love more than words can say
can there be a you and me?
oh i long for your touch, girl i love you so much
is this real or fantasy
i know you're the one for me


I'm officially a statistic... a victim of IT warfare, and innocent bystander caught in the crossfire between the Gate's empire and the rogues who fight the system. My PC got infected with a new virus(23.08.05)- backdoor.tixanbot- a real bitch of virus which wasted my entire night originally devoted to studying.

Even with the help of my friend the REAL(slim)TECHIE aka Tanny, we were unable to eradicate this virus and had to leave it for the night. I spent the night with a virus.... thats a first for me :)

Thankfully, Symantec released another update this morning (Aussie time) and with that I was able to seek out and destroy the perpetrator. The thing about this virus is that it closes a number of processes automatically and also disables you anti-virus software. It propogates through MSN Messenger and is one tricky bastard, decieving you into thinking you're communicating with someone on your contact list. Once infected, it gives the attacker remote access to your computer and not only extracts info but uses your computer to download at will.

Its all over now, quite an experience I must say, I've won this battle... however, the war is far from over- WATCH OUT!

I must say a big thanks to Eugene for his help and shared enthusiasm towards eradication of the virus, also to Gris for fueling my assault with dinner and adding to my state of confusion with two cans of Coke *grinz*

I'm getting so sick of studying now, its like a neverending (somewhat vicious) cycle of assignments, tests, exams.. and when you think you've finally got it all figured out, its a brand new semester with a whole new bunch of subjects. What did I get myself into, science aint all that bad, aye?

Spent most of the afternoon trying to find a suitable topic for my Law economic reform paper... CLERPs they call it, the name kinda grows on you, CLERPs.. too bad the subject matter doesn't have the same effect. I read somewhere that the most difficult language to learn is in fact English, with its many "rules" and variations that have accrued along the way... its no wonder. I think English language scholars are probably lawyers as well, it would explain the need to complicate things beyond comprehension.

Currently studying for my economics mid-sem, a subject which is essentially rather straight forward with "over-the-top" theories to explain natural occurences. What really gets to me is my econs lecturer, a somewhat interesting fellow with a real passion for calculus and curves (graph). I'm pretty sure he communicates with his wife (if he's married) using an assortment of curves. "Well darling, based on the elasticity of the demand curve, i think we should have sex for 17.5 minutes to maximise the consumer surplus at he same time eliminating any deadweight loss"



Two weeks ago, I went snowboarding for the first time this season. It was a great day at Mt Buller; nice sunny weather with clear skies and fantastic view of the entire mountain. The company was equally good, with G going up for the first time and Eug n Gris being the "lovey dovey" couple that they are. I must say though, it was rather uneventful compared to some of the trips made to Mt Buller last year... perhaps this lot was less "adventurous" as compared to some of my peers from last year *grin*.
G did pretty well for a first-timer and Gris performed some nice stunts off the chairlift, infact, she enlightened me on how flexible the human body can be when forced into awkward positions with one foot strapped securely on a rather longish board- all this with a practical demonstration of course.

I went up to Buller again yesterday, hoping to get the same glorious weather .... *shakes head*... its funny how the weather can turn bad real quick, real bad, and real quick! I had to endure snow storms, heavy rain for 'bout 50% the time with close to zero visibility. Flashbacks of Falls Creek 2004 flooded my mind.... " somebody gonna get a hurt real bad". Needless to say, I was soaked to the bone (even with my high quality "made in china" outfit) and experienced bad muscle cramps in both legs! On top of all this, I had to endure over 6 hours of cantonese at lighting broadband internet speeds (not including time ont he mountain itself)... it was a big blur, series of grunts and twangs. I can honestly say my cantonese has improved, big time.

It wasn't all that bad though, despite the weather, I decided to make the most of my trip and pushed hard. Concentrated more on the blue runs and refining my carving technique as opposed to just traversing in a carve-like manner. Got good boots (Burtons) and pretty good board (Option) this time, HO HO HO.. I found a good place on Buller to rent boards with the bindings I like, no more of that clip-on bullshit!

I had originally planned to go up again this weekend, but after going through my finances, I realised that it probably isn't feasible. Also, two mid-sems and 3 projects await my attention.... time is not a luxury I can afford at the moment, guess I'll have to wait til next season, Queenstown (New Zealand) maybe?