Le journaliste le plus sexy du monde!!
It been crazy the past couple of weeks, contracts keep coming in at work and uni work just keeps piling up, not to mention exams are just round the corner. My body's breaking down, group mates giving me grief (did I mention I can't stand stupid people?), clients giving me grief, even my work computer is giving me grief... arghhh... its times like these I just feel like punching something really hard and seeing it break into many .... many pieces. Or maybe I need a punching bag at home to relieve my tension, kick the shit out of it and release all that negative energy. I thought I'd play tennis today (after stopping for like 2 months); smack the ball real hard and release all the bad "chi"..... 'a good idea', or so i thought. We lost 6-1... to people twice my age.
*to add fuel to fire, drummer gal downstairs has JUST started playing the piano*
(when will she learn??? gimme a break.... PLEASE!!!!!)
The only thing good to have come out of these past weeks is the discovery of Melissa Theuriau, a french Newsreader... *drools + nosebleeds* she is like my ultimate dream gal, its usually the brunettes that do it for me, but this blond is an exception. She is HOT!!! Seeing her just gives me more incentive to strive harder and make my "Europe" dream a reality.

Je t'aime mélisse !
After much thought (not really lah, but sounds good way to start a sentence, I decided not to get the Coldplay tics, I don't want a situation where it would clash with the NZ trip.. Jules was really pissed cos she lined up first thing Monday morning at the ticketing booth, and all the good seats were already reserved!! To make things worse, later that morning, they announced that there would be a second show on Sunday, opening up a whole bunch of good seats. Lucky I backed out, else I would have been peeved too....
Back to the books... *reb*