I watched the Passion of the Christ a few days ago, to say that the movie was graphic is an understatement. It depicted the final hours of Jesus, it illustrates in full colour the suffering Jesus endured as a man. More importantly, it tells of Jesus as the Son of God and how the pain of betrayal was killing him from the inside. The beating, whipping and abuse he recieved was insignificant in comparison to having the weight of the world upon his shoulders. The greatest sacrifice was to take on all the sins of this world, his blood has covered our sins, so that God the Father, who is perfect and Holy, can look at us as his children, perfect in his sight. Thank you Jesus.....
In retrospect, I look back on my life and realise I have achieved nothing. The average lifespan of an asian male is approximately 70-75 years, take away 10 years for the poisons i have intoxicated myself with, another 5 for the condition of my spine, global warming, pollution...... life is short. We should all take a step back have a good look at our lives, treasure those that are dear to us, and stop wasting time on useless ventures that don't give lasting returns. Small steps, big steps, as long as its in the right direction - we'll get there eventually.