2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


Final goodbyes

So today was my second last day at CSIRO, and the farewells (or celebrations for them) have begun. Started today with my supervisor bringing a few of us out to lunch at this place called Moskitto in north Melbourne. It was nice, but we spent too much time looking for a parking lot and ended up extending lunch til way past 2pm.

Then, about 3:30pm it was off to my boss's house for a BBQ; and as usual he over-catered and made us all feel really stuffed. I'm surprised his kids are all so skinny, i would have thought his whole family would be candidates for The Biggest Loser, based on the amount of food they eat!

Tram was kind enough to drive me there and back, so I could have all the drinks I wanted. Brought along my Vintage champagne that I was saving......... yums! We pigged out on BBQ food, had nice desserts and finished off with a few hours of Phase 10 (a very addictive card game). Of course the drinks never stopped flowing throughout this whole fiasco, I really enjoyed myself! I hope i still have space in my stomach, theres going to be a morning tea cakes session tomorrow and a whole bunch of people from other labs are bringing me to Yum Cha lunch at Highpoint. Can't wait!

Yummy BBQ food

The two cooks, Tram and George

On a different note, I hope everyone had a memorable Valentines day. I got (but still waiting for it, i think the courier got lost) the bluetooth set I've always wanted from Maine.... AND, I earned some big time brownie points from Maine by surprising her with this basket of flowers sent to her workplace. Guys.... no matter what she says, "flower person" or not, ALWAYS GO WITH THE FLOWERS.

Check out that grin! Aint she gorgeous?


Lazy Weekend

I've had a real lazy weekend, I've really enjoyed bumming around the house doing absolutely nothing! On saturday night, I caught up with D in Fitzroy, where he brought me to this really cool bar, its like a huge 3rd floor studio converted into a chill-out bar/ lounge. It was great to catch up and exchange snowboarding experiences.

I spent most part of Sunday finishing up episodes 13 and 14 of the hit NBC show Heroes. It is fantastic, I absolutely love it! I don't usually follow these shows religiously but i think I shall make an exception here. I actually watched from episode 1- 12 on friday night... I'm hooked!

Episode 15 comes out in the states on Monday night, which means by Tuesday I should be able to get it off the net. *woohoooo*

Have a great week ahead, I know I will... my last week at CSIRO; it will be sad to leave.