2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


Surfing is the most challenging "board sports" I've ever tried, and I have the scars to prove it. A weekend at Surfers Paradise left me with numerous cuts on my legs, arms, two toe-sprains (the same toe I might add, sore neck and rib cage. Good Luck Q.

Yes yes I did stand, but it's completely different from wakeboarding, where you pick up the fundamentals and progress from there. In surfing, there are so many variables involved: the weather, waves and rip. So everytime you're out there (getting out there is a feat in itself), waiting for the perfect wave, ya never know whats going to happen.

Every wave is different. It hurts when waves crash down on you. You will drink lots of seawater. Seawater does NOT taste good. Good Luck Q.

Overall, I would say we enjoyed ourselves and I would definitely go again. But the main draw of our trip was the shopping, excellent! I went beserk; buying something from every 2nd shop we stepped into. It is really a haven for serious shoppers, everything is easily accessible with shops in close locality. Food stalls/ outlets round every corner make the experience that little bit more enjoyable. The "ang-moh" chicks here are divine, I really mean that. I've never seen so many beautiful people congregated together in such a small stretch *drool*. Surfers Paradise has definitely been the highlight of my trip so far.

After our surfing trip last night, we went to church (man, thats a whole 'nother blog) and had dinner with the rest at Cybercity *sigh*. The food was err... alright lah, but the people here are soooo freaking stingy whenit comes to chilli sauce/ oil. I mean, getting chilli oil from restaurants here is like getting "chong yau" from Hills BBQ. Whats worse, here, you have to go to the counter and get it from the waiters yourself. Ridiculous. The restauranteurs here in Brisbane would probably die of shock if they found out, in Melbourne, theres a container of chilli oil on every table... WOOOOOO. It was farewell for quite a number of people last night, Regina, Alex, Derrick, Adrian (who claims he knows me, yes, another one)... ya, and a few more in the coming week. It was nice to meet them and I'm thankful i got to share their final days in Brisbane with them.