2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


more confused than before.

Okay, so its just under 30 hours before my next exam, Accounting Theory; possibly the most boring, useless subject ever created. To be honest, I don't care what Edward & Bell said 100 years ago, or Dupuch & Sunder, or Chambers or any other goofball with an opinion. Times like these I wish they had kept their comments to themselves, would mean less reading for me.


Anyway, my sleeping times have been completely screwed up, and I think I've overdosed on my favourite "exam" drink- Milo + Coffee. It requires just the right amount of milo + coffee + sugar + milk + hot water. I call it Milofee (pronounced as 'my-loaf-ee'), my ultimate study companion. But a cautionary note, drinking more than 5 cups a night can cause a severe case of the shakes; you have been warned.

Took a (kinda) short study break before to catch the pilot of "Standoff", a new TV show from the 'US of A' (of course). It is really really good, about this pair of crisis negotiators(working for the FBI of course) who work together to defuse sticky situations. Besides being partners, they also have a on-screen relationship which at times threatens to jeopardise their professional relationship. The on-screen chemistry is great and the chick is hot. Not in a Heidi Klum kind of way, she's just really attractive, something about her just got me addicted. Apparently FOX wanted to pull the show down cos of poor ratings, but have decided to extend the run temporarily. It seems that besides myself, there are heaps of people posting positive feedback on the website, urging the producers to keep it going. I hope they keep it going, the likes of CSI *yawns* are getting stale.

I have no idea why I'm blogging, I should either be studying or sleeping.... *sigh* procrastination is disease I tell ya, a bloody disease! I'm going to have an ice cold beer right after my Wednesday morning paper......... and then I'm going to have another one, followed by possibly one more.


Have a great Melbourne Cup day!