2nd room on the left

An obnoxious, self-centered view on what-a-bitch life can be.....


Me? Accountant?

So, exams are finally over; by far the toughest semester yet. From what I've heard, it's pretty cruisy from here on end. Went through countless hours of applications, tests, interviews.. the works! I never knew getting a job took that much work, graduates have it tough these days. The past 6 months have just been hell and its soooo good to take a breather, to take a step back and let things get back to normal.

Thankfully, by God's grace, I've secured a job for next year and as of January, I shall evolve from a Lab-rat to an Accountant. Just typing the word A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-N-T makes me sleepy, but I guess its the first step towards my goal of world domination :)

Thanks to all those that had to listen to my whinging and your support through this whole process, your efforts have paid off!

Just did my last minute shopping for snow gear, going to Queenstown N.Z. on Saturday for 7 nights. I'm super psyched about this trip, and I'm going back to my roots, can't believe it but its been 14 years since I've been back. The snow report looks optimistic, with around 60 cm of fresh powder; *hooosh*.

Australia's playing Croatia later; still pretty pissed that they didn't get a draw from Brazil *grumbles*... else my Snowboard expenses would have been paid for; courtesy of Sportingbet Australia... looks like I'll have to turn in early and get up at 5-freaking-am to watch the match; I hate how the earth is round and tilted and shit... *grumbles again*

Aussie Aussie Aussie .........."Oi Oi Oi!"